Australia's best shed and steel building quotation software

Customer Details and Site Details

When you start a new quote the first thing you must do is enter the customer details and the wind load information accurately as these details determine price files available for site delivery, dynamic engineering and site address for watermarked plans.

Default Setting

This is where you can set all your defaults for your buildings. Your default building will be built with these settings but you can change the settings in each job once you have built your default shed.

Horizontal Cladding

One of the features of a stud frame shed is the ability to run horizontal corrugated sheeting or other cladding types in additional to the usual shed sheeting.

Quote Setting

For the most part, the quote and order documents in ShedTech are fairly rigid in that they cannot be edited because they are created dynamically with the quote information. You can however, modify how the quote total is displayed to your customers.

Odd Size Bays

When you specify a length or set a bay size, ShedTech will automatically calculate the smallest number of bays required so that no bay exceeds the maximum bay size and make all bays the same size. You may have a requirement to adjust these bays because the customer wants to be able to store a caravan or boat.

Property Window

The Properties Window is where you specify the main details of the shed you want to quote. If this window is closed, the quote will stay open and you can redisplay this window by using.

Margin and Payments

There are 3 key areas which you need to configure margins and prices for. The quote amounts will be calculated from one, two or all of these areas depending on the quote type you will be generating. The quote types available in ShedTech area.

ShedTech Shed Quotation Software Walkthrough - Limited Overview

ShedTech shed quotation software walk-through - version 1. Limited video overview showing some functionality of what the ShedTech shed quotation/quoting tool can do.

Help and Construction Guides

In this video it shows you where to find your help guides, all the construction guide for all building and the ShedTech user manual that is always handy. Even printing it out and having it in a folder on your desk is an idea. Also there is a flashing details guide and a components guide.

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